Publications 2010-2014
Kruggel F. (2013) Quantifying Brain Morphology Using Structural Imaging. in: Quantifying Morphology and Physiology of the Human Body Using MRI. (ed. Muftuler T.). CRC Press.
Solodkin A., Chen E.E., Van Hoesen G.W., Heimer L., Shereen A., Kruggel F., Mastrianni F. (2013) In Vivo Parahippocampal White Matter Pathology as a Biomarker of Disease Progression to Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Comparative Neurology 521:4300-4317.
2012Nguyen H., Kruggel F. (2012) The Quantitative Differences of Gray Matter Concentration in Healthy Brains due to Gender and Aging. UCI Undergraduate Research Journal 15, 37-42.
Osechinskiy S., Kruggel F. (2012) Cortical Surface Reconstruction from High-Resolution MR Brain Images. International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Article ID 870196, doi:10.1155/2012/870196.
LePort A.K.R., Mattfeld A.T., Dickinson-Anson H., Fallon J.T., Stark C.E.L., Kruggel F., Cahill L., McGaugh J.L. (2012) Behavioral and neuroanatomical investigation of Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 98, 78-92.
Kaden E., Kruggel F. (2012). Nonparametric Bayesian inference of the fiber orientation distribution from diffusion-weighted MR images. Medical Image Analysis 16, 876-888.
Rasmussen J.M., Lakatos A., van Erp T.G.M., Kruggel F., Keator D.B., Fallon J.T., Macciardi F., Potkin S.G. (2012) Empirical derivation of the reference region for computing diagnostic sensitive 18fluorodeoxyglucose ratios in Alzheimer's disease based on the ADNI sample. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1822, 457-466.
2011Kaden E., Kruggel F. (2011). A Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Approach for Q-Ball Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 30, 1877-1886.
Osechinskiy S., Kruggel F. (2011) Slice-to-Volume Nonrigid Registration of Histological Sections to MR Images of the Human Brain. Anatomy Research International, Article ID 287860, doi:10.1155/2011/287860.
Osechinskiy S., Kruggel F. (2011) Identifying Intrasulcal Medial Surfaces for Anatomically Consistent Reconstruction of the Cerebral Cortex. SPIE Medical Imaging (Orlando), Proc. SPIE 7962, doi:10.1117/12.877863.
2010Kruggel F., Turner J., Muftuler L.T. (2010) Impact of Scanner Hardware and Imaging Protocol on Image Quality and Compartment Volume Precision in the ADNI Cohort. NeuroImage 49, 2123-2133.
Osechinskiy S., Kruggel F. (2010) PDE-based Reconstruction of the Cerebral Cortex from MR Images. IEEE International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology (Buenos Aires), pp.4278-4283. IEEE Computer Society Press, Piscataway.
Yang F., Shan Z.Y., Kruggel F. (2010) White Matter Lesion Segmentation Based on Feature Joint Occurrence Probability and chi2 Random Field Theory from Magnetic Resonance (MR) Images. Pattern Recognition Letters 31, 781-790.