
Brain Image

Research in the SIP Lab focuses on understanding the relation between structures and functions of the human brain. Recent neuroimaging methods (anatomical and functional MRI, emission tomography, electro- and magneto-encephalography) make an unprecedented view on brain functioning possible. Quantitative information hidden in neuroimaging data are revealed by new signal and image processing algorithms.

Cognitive processes in humans are usually studied by stimulation experiments. Responses are recorded by functional neuroimaging methods that measure different correlates of the underlying neuronal activity. Because different techniques reveal complementary information about the anatomical, metabolic and neurophysiological state of the brain, an integrated data evaluation is highly desirable and leads to results not achievable with a single modality.

Long-term work in the SIP Laboratory focuses on the following aims:

  • to quantify properties of anatomical brain structures as revealed by MRI,
  • to develop and install new algorithms for neurofunctional data analysis,
  • to combine results from different functional modalities,
  • to achieve a precise anatomical description and quantification of functional activity, and
  • to build structural and functional models of the brain.