Processing Modules

Stand-alone processing modules provide the signal and image processing functionality of the BRIAN package. About 150 modules in the following categories are currently available:

  • Data import and export,
  • Transformation (affine, non-linear, arithmetic),
  • Filter (spatial, temporal, spatio-temporal, linear, non-linear),
  • Segmentation (data- and model-driven),
  • Registration (affine, non-linear, atlas-based),
  • Texture analysis,
  • Generation and processing of surface and volumetric meshes in 3D,
  • Statistical analysis of fMRI- and fNIRS-data,
  • Time-series modelling,
  • ERP- and ERF-source analysis,
  • Biomechanical and electromagnetical simulation using finite-element models.

A visual programming tool for the rapid development of processing chains is integrated in the kernel. Processing modules are represented as small buttons in a process editor. The functional dependency between modules is represented by links between these buttons. Selecting a module button launches a dialog window in which a module\'s parameter are set. While executing a chain, the button color changes to reflect the processing status of a module. Input and output of a processing chain can be provided as external files or piped into a viewer.


Example view of a processing chain in the visual editor. Individual modules are represented a small buttons whose status is color-coded. The result of a chain is either displayed in a stand-alone viewer or fed back into a viewer.